WJP Blog

Learnings Report: Power Building forEquitable Federal Funding in New Orleans
This learnings report chronicles and synthesizes the work of the Building Equity Collaborative in New Orleans, LA from 2022 through 2024. The report offers lessons learned and a roadmap for coalitions working to put equity front and center in funding discussions and decisions in their communities.
The Building Equity Collaborative is co-convened by the Workplace Justice Project (WJP) and the Committee for a Better New Orleans (CBNO.)

WJP interviewed by Valley Labor Report
Erika Zucker, WJP’s Director of Policy & Advocacy spoke with the Valley Labor Report about work and worker organizing in the South.

The New Law Protecting Pregnant Workers
The new federal law protecting pregnant workers, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, goes into effect on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Learn about what the EEOC says you should know about the new law, via its online article, accessible here.
Demanding Payment For Wages Under The Louisiana Wage Payment Act
WJP Senior Staff Attorney, Andrea M. Agee, explains how to make a “demand” for your unpaid wages under Louisiana law. You can also check out our example of a demand letter for unpaid wages.

Wrongful Termination. Do you know what it means?
What is wrongful termination?
How do you know when termination is from a job is just bad for your bottom line or actually violates the law?
WJP Senior Staff Attorney, Andrea M. Agee, has this explainer. #KnowYourRights

WJP Clinic student William Ercole explains the basics to answer the question “are you an employee or an independent contractor?”

Places where the minimum wage will rise in 2022
Unfortunately, Louisiana is not on this list. And, while city workers and those who work on city contracts will see a modest raise, most workers in New Orleans and other cities in our state will not see a wage increase. However, the continuing trend of higher minimum wages is something to celebrate.

State of Transit: progress, but room for improvement
Our friends at RIDE New Orleans released their annual State of Transit report in November. There’s some good news and some more work to be done.
Transportation equity will be a key component of the WJP’s Summit on Building a More Equitable New Orleans. Read more here.

Labor things that, while interesting, are not in fact new
Workers across the country and in a variety of industries are in the news for demanding respect and fair treatment for their labor. Thanks to labor reporter Josh Eidelson for compiling this list of actions that may seem novel, but are not, in fact new.

Coming on April 22, 2022
The WJP will host a day-long summit to create a practical vision for tackling economic inequity in Greater New Orleans. Please plan to join us.
Look for more information here and in your in-box in early 2022.

Register for Webinar: Supporting Pregnant Workers in Louisiana
WJP and partners present a webinar on protecting the rights of pregnant workers in Louisiana.

N.O. City Council Passes Responsible Contractor Law
Spearheaded by a coalition of building trades’ unions and the WJP, the New Orleans City Council adopted an ordinance that emphasizes accountability for all the rights of all workers on projects with city contracts.

Know Your Rights in the Workplace
Here are a few basics to help protect yourself on the job.

City of New Orleans Workers Win Raises to $15/hr
Yesterday the New Orleans City Council approved a $15.00 per hour minimum wage for all city workers. Congratulations to NOCWOC, and to our partners at StepUp Louisiana, the City’s Firefighters, and all who worked so hard to make this happen. Thanks to the City Council for the unanimous approval to ensure that our City budget will provide livable wages for public sector workers.

Apply for Disaster Unemployment Benefits
If you lost work or were unable to get work as a result of Hurricane Ida, and live in a designated disaster area, you can now apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) through November 2, 2021.

Denham Springs lawmaker writes bill targeting immigrants to ‘deter theft of our LA tax dollars’
“State Rep. Valarie Hodges has introduced a bill targeting immigrants that could make it more difficult for Louisianans to claim dependents on their annual tax returns, particularly those of lower-income with children studying abroad.”

Shift Change: How New Orleans hospitality workers are organizing their industry
“Drawing on 2014 U.S. Census data, a recent report from Loyola University’s Workplace Justice Project noted 34 percent of Orleans Parish’s primary jobs that paid less than $1,250 a month were in “accommodation and food services.”